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blueball.gif (200 bytes)Home Page

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great western flat-coated retriever club great western flat coated retriever club gwfcrc flat-coated retriever society of america fcrsa flatcoat flat coat flatty flats southern california akc breeders akc dog show conformation akc huntest akc hunting test obedience agility canine dog dogs frank holbert


The Great Western Flat-Coated Retriever Club
1998 AKC Hunting Test 


I'm still waiting for the article but here are some pictures. Alison's zoom broke so we don't have the field pictures we like to see. If anyone has any pictures please let me know. I'd like to scan them and post here.

senior_water.JPG (22875 bytes)
Senior water


junior_quals.JPG (20958 bytes)
Junior Hunter Qualifiers


cynthia.JPG (22257 bytes)
Cynthia Trotter at Senior


george.JPG (24100 bytes)
George Dexter, head BBQ'er shucks corn for....


corndog.JPG (21476 bytes)
....someone's dog


it.JPG (20416 bytes)
Someone enjoys the raffle.


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GWFCRC Home blueball.gif (200 bytes) Hunt Test Page blueball.gif (200 bytes) Past Club Events

Last Updated 09/24/98